Manuscripts must conform to the following guidelines:
Manuscript should, as a rule, not exceed 5000 words.
Abstract & Keywords
Include an abstract of 100 words and 3-6 keywords.
Manuscripts must be submitted in English. Non-native speakers are requested to have their manuscripts checked by a native speaker of English.
Submissions should be formatted in Word (.doc or .docx), preferably in Calibri 12 font.
Page lay-out
Set up the page size for A4 paper size (in “portrait” layout, not in “landscape”), in simple-column format.
Do not use page breaks or section breaks to format the manuscript (i.e., let the pages break naturally).
Paragraph formats
Single space, justified.
Include blank lines between paragraphs, between references in the REFERENCES section, and before and after subheadings, etc.
Avoid long sections without headings or subheadings. A maximum of three levels of headings and subheadings are allowed, using numbered list, bold and italics as follows:
1. Heading
1.2 Subheading
1.2.1 Subheading of the first subheading
Left justify references in the reference section (not “hanging”).
In presentation of statistical results, refer to test statistics and parameters by spelling out the term (e.g., “alpha” instead of the character).
When describing repertory grids, use single quotation marks for elements (e. g., “best friend”), and italics for constructs (e. g., outgoing vs. reserved).
Avoid the use of symbols and other special characters (they do not reproduce consistently across different systems).
Bold is used for the title of the article, headings and subheadings of each paragraph.
Underlining is not used.
Footnotes & Endnotes
Please, use as few footnotes as possible.
Avoid endnotes. When necessary, enter endnotes manually (do not use the endnote function in Word). The endnote number should be entered in the text in brackets (e.g., [1]) and should not be superscripted. The endnote is then entered in a section “ENDNOTES” at the end of the paper.
Embed tables in the text at the appropriate point. Large tables (especially when in ‘landscape’ format) should also be sent as separate files (.doc).
Create tables with the Word table editor (i.e., do not use tabs and spaces to create tables).
Figures should be sent as attachments (.jpeg) with the paper.
Citations and References
Each listed reference should be cited in text, and each text citation should be listed alphabetically in the reference section.
References should be cited in text as follows:
- “The results replicated those of a previous study (Miller & Mair, 1991),” or
- “The procedure was a modification of Adams and Webber’s (1989) and Warren et al.’s (1977)”.
- Multiple references should be cited in alphabetical order: “Earlier investigations (Button, 1993; Mancuso & Mascolo, 1988; Winter, 1992)…”
The following examples illustrate the style to be used for (1) a journal article, (2) a book, and (3) a chapter in a book, respectively:
- (1)
Bell, R. C. (2001). Some new measures of the dispersion of dependency in a situation-resource grid. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 14, 227-234. - (2)
Bannister, D., & Fransella, F. (1986). Inquiring man: the psychology of personal constructs (3rd ed.). London: Croom Helm. - (3)
Feixas, G. (1995). Personal constructs in systemic practice. In R. A. Neimeyer & M. J. Mahoney (Eds.), Constructivism in psychotherapy (pp. 305-337). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Important: Please note page numbers for book chapters!
PCT&P refers to the international criterion of the American Psychological Association (APA).
For further information, please refer to:
Empirical research papers
For papers reporting results of empirical research it is suggested to consult the following websites. They are also helpful in the early stages of planning a study. . Here the ‘Outline’ section is pertinent.
Daniel B. Wright (2003). Making friends with your data: Improving how statistics are conducted and reported. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 73, 123 – 136.
Available at: