Manuscripts submitted under multiple authorship are reviewed under the assumption that each quoted author has contributed substantially to the work in terms of planning, research, statistical analysis, writing of the article or final approval of the article, concurs with the submission and has approved the final version of the manuscript. The first-named author must guarantee to be responsible for the content.
Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyrighted material from other sources.
Ethics approval
Ethical and legal considerations mandate that participants’ (subjects, patients) anonymity be preserved. If pertinent, the authors have to state that procedures involving experiments on human subjects have been approved by an ethics committee.
Disclosure of commercial interests
Any source of support for the presented research must be acknowledged in the paper, together with the disclosure of any financial involvement that might present an appearance of conflict of interests.
Peer review process
Editors treat all manuscripts submitted to PCT&P in confidence.
Reviewers also are required to respect the confidentiality of the peer review process and not reveal any details of a manuscript or its review.
The journal encourages the reviewer to be as much specific and dispassionate as possible in their comments, giving all the useful references to the authors.
Reviewers who think to have any conflict of interest (eg. competitive or collaborative relationships, any links with authors or entities in relation to the subject of the manuscript) with the article they’ve received, are required to report it to the Editors.