Volume 12, 2015


Touw, H., M., F., Meijer, P. C., Wubbels, T.
Using Kelly’s theory to explore student teachers’ constructs about their pupils.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 12, 2015, 1-14
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Greyling, W., Lingard, O.
Reflecting on a vocational educator’s theory of practice: a co-constructed account.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 12, 2015, 18-33
html | PDF


Walker, B. M.
Linda L. Viney 1942 – 2014.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 12, 2015, 15-17
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Burr, V., Bell, R. C.
Trevor W. Butt 1947 – 2015
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 12, 2015, 34-36
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