Volume 14, 2017


Special Section
Selected Papers from the XIIIth Biennial Conference of the European Personal Construct Association (EPCA), Galzignano Terme, Padua, Italy, July 2016

Guest editors: Massimo Giliberto, Chiara Centomo, Francesco Velicogna

Giliberto, M., Centomo, C., Velicogna, F.
Editorial: A new spirit in PCP: Linking people, ideas and dreams.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 3-4
Abstract | Full text

Balzani, L., Panetta, M. G.
Cibo ergo sum: feeding choices, understandng people.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 5-14
Abstract | Full text

Chiari, G.
Recent advances in personal construct psychotherapy.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 15-24
Abstract | Full text

Coppock, C., Winter, D., Ferguson, S., Green, A.
Using the Perceiver Element Grid (PEG) to elicit intrafamily construal following parental Acquired Brain Injury.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 25-39
Abstract | Full text

Costantini, E., Tammaro, E.
The arts at play: working with artists and PCP in organizations.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 40-46
Abstract | Full text

Cummins, P., Jones, H.
Working with couples.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 47-53
Abstract | Full text

Dalla Vedova, A.
Encounters with the ‘not real’.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 54-60
Abstract | Full text

Davidson, A.-L., Naffi, N., Raby, C.
A PCP approach to conflict resolution in learning communities.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 61-72
Abstract | Full text

Dell’Aversano, C.
Darwin, the Sociality corollary, and critical animal studies.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 73-78
Abstract | Full text

Del Rizzo, F.
Equine Assisted Constructivist Psychotherapy: Theory and practice.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 79-86
Abstract | Full text

Giliberto, M.
Theretical identity is not just belonging.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 87-98
Abstract | Full text

Jankowicz, D.
Construing the doctoral examiner: what the doctoral student should know.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 99-105
Abstract | Full text

Miletić, V., Stojnov, D.
The Dewey family reunion: Kelly’s man-the-scientist meets Rorty’s ironist.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 106-115
Abstract | Full text

Naffi, N., Davidson, A.-L.
Engaging host society youth in exploring how they construe the influence of social media on the resettlement of Syrian refugees.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 116-128
Abstract | Full text

Ortu, M. C., Petrolati, A.
Glass Souls – The Importance of the other’s view in the process of self-recognition.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 129-136
Abstract | Full text

Procter, H.
Comparing PCP with other approaches: Systemic Theory, Phenomenology and Semiotics.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 137-139
Abstract | Full text

Scartezzini, L.
Lifelong playing: The game as a psychological experience.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 140-145
Abstract | Full text

Stojnov, D., Miletić, V. Džinović, V.
Subjectivity: Kelly’s discourse and Foucault’s constructs.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 146-157
Abstract | Full text


O’Sullivan, B.
A life well lived – Seán Brophy 1943-2017.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 1-2
Full text

Cummins, P.
Helen Jones 1936-2017
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 172-173
Full text


Cromwell, R. L.
Dualism and reductionism: The elephant in the Psych Lab and Clinic.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 14, 2017, 1-2 (Suppl. No 1), 158-171
Abstract | Full text